Publishing an article
CoinTrunk articles are straightforward documents that include a title, a URL to the article's source, and a URL for an article image. While the title and source URL are required, the picture is optional.
Paid Articles
Publishers can post unlimited articles for just the transaction fee. Additionally, the CoinTrunk blockchain module allows for a limited number of anonymous articles each month for a fee. Currently, the cost for a paid article is 25,000 BZE, with a limit of 5 articles per month. These values can be adjusted via governance proposal if the BeeZee community consents. You can view their curent value here.
We advise readers to be cautious when they come across articles that were paid to be published.
Submitting articles
At the moment publishing articles is possible only from the CLI or from the web app. We recommend using the web app from a desktop PC/laptop to have a good experience.
Connect your wallet (if you're a publisher make sure you connect with the address that was voted as publisher)
Press "Add article" on the menu bar
Fill the form with article details:
Add a title describing the content you're publishing. Make sure it fits the requirements (between 10 and 320 chars)
Add the source of the article. It must be from an accepted domain
(Optional) add a picture hosted on an accepted domain
Submit the form. It should prompt you to sign the submit transaction in the connected wallet
Go to the wallet and sign the transaction. The article should be published in a few seconds.
Note: If your address is not a publisher you will see a warning in the submit article form
Last updated