News Tab
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The main screen of the news tab is the news listing screen, where articles from the BZE Blockchain are displayed. Articles are sorted in descending order by their publish date, with the most recent articles appearing first. Scrolling to the bottom of the list and pulling up will load the next page of articles. If you pull down at the top of the list, the app will check the blockchain for new articles and refresh the list if any are available.
Below each article title, there is a button displaying the publisher's name and the publication date. Clicking on this button will open the publisher detail screen.
Publisher details will show the details of the publisher: his name, status on the blockchain, address, the date he joined CoinTrunk as a publisher, number of articles published and the amount of respect he gained from BZE community.
The address of the publisher can be copied by tapping on the address.
Users can show gratitude to the publisher by paying some respects. Use "Pay Your Respects" button to open the form, input the amount of respects you'd like to pay and submit the transaction. 1 point of respect equals 1 BZE coin.
The respect will be recorded on the blockchain and the publisher will get the BZE you spent for its respect, minus blockchain's fee. The fee is decided by BZE community through governance proposals and can be found in CoinTrunk module params:
The up-to-date params can be checked on the blockchain here.